
当前栏目: 面相十二宫 2023-05-06 15:13:53 点击:


五官的第十二宫根据不同的宫位,代表着人生的成败。 虽然各家说法不一,但大体相同。




命宫象征着大印所在,为命宫。 它关系到一个人的性情、欲望、寿命、成败、精神、命运,一生都会受其影响,同时也显示出当前运势的吉凶状况。 所以,命宫是相学中非常重要的一个部分。 说到命的流年,命宫一定要提到,所以印堂是每个人精、气、神、志汇聚之处。

若印堂明如明镜,晶莹饱满,主学问候,如山肥根,直上命宫,双目饱满,黑白分明,主人财源广进,福寿满满; 如果台马骨起步,主人权力和地位高,是社会的中流砥柱。

命宫下陷,主人急躁,心胸狭隘,好胜心和自卑心交织,为忧愁和嫉妒所困扰,做事患得患失,缺乏观察力,所以不易成功。 若印堂过窄,眉毛缠绕,或杂毛过多,需将多余的毛发拔除,以保持印堂畅通,以免部徒劳,防小人。 如果印堂上有杂纹、疤痕、破痣,则表示主人会抑制妻子、扶助亲戚有困难、亏本、寂寞、吝啬、短命。

如果命宫的肤色呈淡黄色或粉红色,则表示平安、长寿、吉祥,在工作或事业上可以实现自己的理想和抱负; 如果它是黑色的,对你自己不利,你会死。 如果是红色 如果是黑色,则可能是着火的迹象; 如果是蓝色,则为误报。 如果面色发白,则表示主人正在哀悼、哭泣,或者周围的人有危险; 如果脸色发红,则主人正在遭受惩罚。



诗云:鼻丰鼻,星辉如龙。 两边的厨房灶台,不要教抬头看鼻子。

财宝宫是鼻头和鼻左右两翼,又名金库部分。 鼻头为财星,配天仓(庙宇处)、两颧骨、下巴、兰花、金甲柜、左右底座。 ,统称财波宫; 它是关于动产和不动产的。 财星要丰满挺拔,头圆肉丰,鼻子丰满,鼻孔大(形容鼻子是藏财宝的宝库),颧骨丰满才能富贵。 财波宫的天仓是看财运,包括财物的获得,收支的多少,兰亭、金甲柜是财富的积累; 头圆,兰亭配不露洞,主得美妇。 鼻孔丰盈,收藏,主财富积累; 鼻子在脸的中央,五行属地,所以一般说有地财。 因此,完美的鼻子预示着财富丰盈,生活圆满,财富不止。 鼻子的肉象征着物质的力量,鼻子的骨头象征着精神的力量,所以观察一个人是享受物质生活还是精神生活面相十二宫,可以从鼻子来分析理解。

如果鼻子有缺陷,不仅会影响财运,还会影响事业、健康和婚姻。 扁鼻,重自卑,多疑胆小,枯瘦无肉,贫穷。

露鼻山根的人,要处理好夫妻关系,互相关心、宽容; 鼻梁朝天的人偏财运偏少,没有理财观念。 家里没有粮食,一副穷困潦倒的样子; 鼻孔宽大通畅,没有积聚,鼻子有缺陷,人事不和,八卦多。 兰台短,主产没了; 廷伟做空,则多有不可预见之事,皆与财亏有关。 鼻子窄的人做投机性工作和生意的能力较差; 鼻尖若鹰嘴,主贪。 财运反复、晚景凄凉、贫穷的人; 细鼻孔和利落的蓝眼睛,主喜欢待在一起。 鼻子上有纹、有印、有痣、有裂痕,都会造成财损。

如果头部的肤色是亮黄色或白色,则主人有赚钱的喜悦; 脸色发黑,表示家中有人生病或生意失败,亏本; 如果脸色发红或鼻子发红,表示财运不佳,子女运势不佳。 进展不顺利; 头上有红线,财运不顺,会有心肌梗塞的症状。 红师傅有八卦。


前额眉毛上方也有左右天仓,下巴两侧有左右天仓。 也有单指头,代表财运和事业。 子高龙厚、圆、直,不仅身体健康,工作勤奋,而且事业有成,财源广进,生活富足。 如果孩子歪、斜、弯、钩、尖、瘦、斜、反、露、露,都是缺陷,不仅是人品缺失,还会影响事业和财运。 如果双眼布满红丝,或面色青暗,则为疾病或破财之兆。 红红火火,专名“火上中堂”。




眉是手足之宫面相十二宫,宜结顺; 宜不困,秀眉并结,枝条挺直,主兄和睦。 把眉毛分成两部分,眉毛看兄弟姐妹,看身边的公司和朋友,后面的部分叫眉尾,是夫妻、孩子、财运。 眉与父有关,属金水、精水、精水。 眉毛又漂亮又直,说明父亲精子好,兄弟姐妹多,眉毛又漂亮又直,脾气好,性格好,身体好,朋友的缘分会很多而且很好。

眉毛浓密且杂乱,表示性格不稳定,脾气暴躁,对家庭、兄弟姐妹不关心,交不到好朋友。 若眉短而散,主兄分离孤寂,难有弟相助。 眉高低低,左眉高右眉低,主父先母后归,或同父异母,或双妻。 右眉高左眉低,主人父亡母改嫁,或两夫。

眉毛齐眼,兄弟一二,眉如扫帚,兄弟六七。 古书云:眉毛长于兄弟五六个,而当今社会,兄弟多。 眉短眼短,主无兄弟,有者亦非同胞。






眉毛要色泽光亮,即眉毛的肉色或眉毛上下半厘米比脸上的肤色浅,即润白,有贵人之意。 ,兄弟姐妹,朋友和家人都很高兴。 眉毛发青,师兄们在厮杀。 眉毛黑白分明,主弟伤了还是伤了。 眉目红黄,师兄荣幸喜庆。


一般指眉毛,也包括龙虎之角和额角。 头发与荷尔蒙分泌有关,所以以前的相相法是通过眉毛看父母的遗传体质,推断兄弟姐妹有多少。 现代实行节育,已无必要,但眉目仍可表意情意。 可以解读为与朋友、同事的关系,以及情绪的变化,进而是做事的勇气和魄力。 眉心上方是交友处,象征交友得失,不宜有坏纹和疤痕。




两眼上睑(眼睑)为天寨宫,天仓地阁应与天寨官相协调。 天宜满,地宜家,色泽明润,眼睑光润丰满,眉不下垂,地宅满利。 如果只有眼皮肥嘟嘟的,说明孩子不开心,或者父母照顾不够。 田宅财源广进,能得到祖先的庇佑,得到长辈的提拔。 中年人缘好,有固定资产或住处安定。

田府宫深,窄,无肉。 业主在购买房产或自建房屋时,总会遇到不顺心的阻碍,或因设计格局不顺心而吃尽苦头,或住所不稳定,经常搬家。 如果眉眼太近,性爱比较急躁,容易不小心得罪人,影响人缘,有些事情会弄巧成拙。 眼皮太宽,长过两指头的人,缺乏生活主见,交友用钱不会自控,太宽太窄都不好; 目目遮田宅,赤脉最忌。 祖国破产,年老无粮; 两目枯骨,火目冰轮,主田皆难保,家财尽。 两只眼睛大,外露,突出或黄红色,主毁农舍毁妻。

天寨宫的肤色应该是淡粉色或淡黄色。 主人会有财运、房产等喜事,一切计划都会成功。 如果天寨宫面色发黑,命宫也发黑或发红,可能会有官司纷争,严重的话可能会被下狱。


旧写真中,眼睛多为田宫,左眼为太阳,右眼为太阳。 额头和下巴周围也有山林,属于田宫。 顾名思义,田就是田,屋就是屋。 都是固定资产。 眼睛象征着智慧、精神和气质。 如果你想拥有固定资产,你必须具备这些优越的条件。 那双眸子,更是危险。 近代相术中,眉眼之间的上眼睑被改为原名精舍、广甸、天寨、甲墟等称天寨宫。 而且,如果人缘好,房子窄,心急,缺乏公关,可能会变成没有壳的蜗牛。



男女宫又称童子宫、寅止宫。 它位于眼睛和眼泪大厅下。 未婚者看男女情事,已婚者看生子积阴之处。

男女宫(儿女宫)又是印德宫(道德宫)。 位于两眼下方,又名泪堂,远看像一个半圆形的水袋。 男女宫直接反映小脑,自律神经中枢分布的区域,与肾脏关系密切,所以也与生男孩女孩和遗传有关,所以是男女宫,又称龙宫。 妻子怀孕的时候,会有一个隆起的样子,像蚕一样的肉,颜色非常干净明亮。 如果母亲看到左眼有红色,就会生男孩,如果看到右眼有红带,就会生女孩。

印德宫是发现印志纹的地方,好的纹是“─”和“=”,不好的纹是“##”和“││”。 男女宫明亮润泽,不凹陷,面色黄亮,四周有纹路,似纹非纹。 如果皮肤轻微肿胀,就会隐藏起来。 可以看到黄线,休息或睡觉时可以更清楚地看到松弛的皮肤。 ,有这种纹的人,福气大慈大悲,也很有灵性,常有机会积大德,助人或救人,从而保佑子孙后代,智慧长寿。

在人相中,男女宫被视为贤德宫或道德宫,具有非常深远的意义。 如果每个人都想生一个善良孝顺的孩子,就必须有一颗善良的心,多做善事,注意身体健康。 只有这样,才能使男女宫保持圆满顺畅。 男女宫宜富贵,不可陷,如卧蚕暗藏,三阳平满,深于人中,子孙女主。法律,富贵。 明亮的眼睛是精血旺盛的标志。 与男女交往有关,故生之道无穷无尽。

如果男女子宫没有蚕一样的肉,下眼睑凹陷,可能是生殖能力有问题,也可能没有机会生育,不厚道,蚕位会像很多皱纹的包包,大部分都是外表仁德满满,内里奸诈。 如果你不悔改,你晚年的命运将是悲惨和凄凉的。

泪堂深,人潮满,主送儿孙难。 左眼干枯主害男性,右眼干瘪腹主害女性。

泪堂有痣,主难有子,或早离乡。 泪堂乱行者,主得假男招义女。

男女宫气色,有淡粉色或淡黄色,未婚者临近喜事或孕妇生男孩,有淡淡的青色点缀,女方肤色偏暗、怀孕时注意保胎,否则生孩子难养; 男女有黑白宫,分别代表男女悲哀; 混浊的眼睛和眼圈周围的黑色空气,代表淫乱的外表; 眼睛多为黑色,表示奸夫或恶人; 眼睛周围的黑色空气代表子宫或肾脏。 生病的。

积德就是暗中做好事不被人知道,真诚地关心和帮助别人,救人于危难之中。 久而久之,如果男女宫天生明亮或有暗纹,就知道此人常在做好事,助人为乐。


这是指眼下泪堂的位置,下眼睑如卧蚕。 一定要厚实,不能空心。 这部分与小脑密切相关。 如果有缺陷、虚弱或有斜纹恶痣,都会影响小脑。 ,性欲不容易正常,即使怀孕生子,未来孩子的成长可能在健康或性格方面存在不足。



仆宫位于下巴(地底)及两侧面穴至两侧嘴角处。 主与下、晚辈与伙伴的关系,以及当下的生存环境,有好有坏。

仆宫是主人与下属、晚辈与合作者的关系,是生活环境。 应丰厚圆大,四字口,满地亭,两颧骨。 主人有仆人群立,呼唤聚歌之威,有领导的魄力和能力。 现在有很多企业家、政治家、名人或有良好道德的人。 他们的下巴圆润大方,或者有双下巴。 他们有领导管理的能力,也能赢得下属和家人的信任和爱戴。 每个人都会尽力而为。 这样的工作与合作,单靠权力和金钱是无法实现的。

如果下巴短、尖、凹陷,则缺乏领导的魄力和能力,不能服众。 很难与下属和晚辈交流,所以与下属或家人的关系比较淡薄。 下巴长满煞纹和痣的人,主多为下属负累。 如果有下属不忠或引起纠纷和腐败,给自己的领导和管理增加麻烦,他也会表现出深厚的善意,化为怨恨。 同时,房子也不尽如人意,经常会出现莫名的不安和不快。

两边颧骨尖突的人(见耳后腮者)用人无猜疑,下属再多也会互相不和,不和睦和团结,就会发生很多不合适的事情。 发生的经营亏损,有的甚至报恩不报; 下巴后缩的人小时候脑膜发炎,小脑发育不完全,影响了下巴的发育,下巴后缩,所以性格不稳定,耐心和力量不够。 运势不佳,晚年寂寞。

地阁面色宜淡黄淡粉,主属能干,伙伴喜乐,地阁大方饱满。 年老时,由于以前的财富积累,会成为大企业家或富豪; 若有乌烟瘴气,又脏又黑有污渍,主属有意外,不宜远行,注意寒湿胃痉挛,或急性中毒或肠胃炎,一生一次,不会危及生命; 还要注意自己的下水道、水管、抽水马桶是否堵塞或漏水; 红色的主要下属有舌头或破产。 青色主属受损。

要想保持健康的身体,就要注意小脑、肠胃、手脚的筋脉(经络)的保养。 多注意行为修养,搞好人脉,做事不要太刻薄,要留有余地。 年轻的时候,一定要强迫自己养成储蓄的习惯,不能用光所有,等到老了才有保障。

下巴两侧,称为上壁的部分,也有下巴为奴宫。 这是过去的旧称。 现在指的是下属、同事、晚辈、投票的人。 也就是说,下巴要丰满。 如果它是尖的、倾斜的或狭窄的,他将不会被它们支撑。 而晚景寂寥。




妻妾宫在左右眼角外侧。 男子左侧为夫座,右侧为妻座; 女子坐右边为夫座,左边为妻座。 妻妾宫位好,男娶好妻,女嫁好夫。 他们必须匹配印堂和雨薇。 若印堂平整光滑,无疤痕无痣,鱼尾光洁光滑,饱满丰满,不凹陷,则为合格,主心胸开阔,精神饱满。 主娶了一位美丽的女士,她可以帮助这个家庭。 因为老婆拿到了工资,钱花得满满当当,夫妻感情才会美满幸福。

奸宅深者,主打妻,常作马夫。 娶了老婆之后,霉运就更大了,努力工作,难免寂寞。 看看左边的妻子,右边的小妾。 如果年轻时鱼尾纹多,则夫妻缘不会很好,或晚婚,或因不孕而非常忙碌,自卑感很重。 您应该更加注意健康维护。 男性要注意性功能弱,或者有障碍,一定要就医。 如果身体恢复了,鱼尾纹自然会消失。

太多或太少都不正常,都会导致外遇的问题。 因此,性生活和夫妻关系的和谐非常重要。 眼角有煞纹、痣,男难娶好妻,女难嫁好夫,但这要和命宫一起商量。夫妻宫相配。 如果夫妻左右眼外角有深褐色的细纹从根部连起来,说明有外遇,所以这也是看夫妻关系、性格、举止的地方夫妇。

鱼尾纹多,正妻恶毒死气沉沉,但情欲极强。 鱼尾下垂,主妻关系薄弱。




鱼尾纹和桃花纹是有区别的,鱼尾纹是在眼尾横向伸展开来的。 桃纹在泪堂上角,从眼尾向下突出; 桃纹多而浅者,容易受到异性的追求。 若纹多而深,则主人有心而无胆。 心若坚定正直,则难免患难。

妻妾宫色若洁白,则应红黄相间,无青色,表示夫妻幸福,家庭美满; 红色代表口水战; 黑白代表夫妻,男女有悲剧; 蓝色表示妻妾悲伤; 深蓝色表示婚姻难成,夫妻感情不顺,男女双方都要控制自己的性欲,不要好色,才能身心健康。


眼睛的尾部,叫鱼尾,是奸门的部位,现代实行一夫一妻制,不允许重婚纳妾。 “妻不如妾,妾不如盗”的观念应该摒弃。 避免外遇问题。 因此,妃子的眼尾宫应该是丰满而平坦的。 如果妃子的宫位有缺陷,比如纹路深陷,疤痕多,很容易导致婚姻不正常,甚至出现问题。



移宫位于眉角,从天仓至额发际,俗称义马宫,又名交佑宫。 主搬迁外出或事业变动运势。

移宫从眉角到发际算作移宫。 骨骼丰满、肌肉粗壮丰满的人出国成功的机会很大,如出国旅游、经商外贸、结婚、搬家或工作等。 大变,每变都要往上发展,老了才会让人佩服。

移宫肉体不佳或面色暗淡的人不宜长途旅行,否则会流浪国外,无家可归,或中途遇难,浪费金钱。 台马太高,主职业就很难有稳固的位置。 如果天仓地下室是歪斜的,业主经常搬家。 额头凹陷,眉毛交织。 主晚年难安居。

移宫面色光洁,红黄相间,光润润泽,升迁喜庆,长途旅行,经商,婚姻或工作变动顺利。 如果有暗疮、痣坏了,就不宜外出,怕发生意外。 若色为青色,则主出远门,亏本财,心惊胆战。 白主在长途跋涉中被部下暗杀。 黑色表示交通事故或死亡。


额头、左右眉毛以上的部分,包括驿马、边疆,有的认为应该包括山林。 If there are , it will , , , , and and trade. If you want to know you have the to , you pay to the .


The poem said: The root of the is sick and the life is . There is no and no birth. If it is worth the scars and dry bones, it is hard to in life.

The of and is under , the eyes and the root of the , the part of . It is to the of the body and the of the to .

The of and is at the root of the , on the top of the year, and on the top of the . It is also a part of life. The of the nose and the of Fate are also in the of for . with plump and roots have to , have self-, and don't care about minor colds. It will turn bad luck into good luck, avoid bad , a man will marry a good wife, and a woman will marry a good . For , the root of the and the are plump and , the tip of the nose, which means and well-being of the body and mind, of , and .

The root of the is low, the nasal is and , the bones are dry, flat and weak, and there are moles. The owner is often ill, easy to be and , and has a sense of . All will be , and it is rare to wish. There are lines in the year, which also means that there is wrong with the , less , and there are in the life span. It is to , love or at the age of 39 and 41, and lack of and .

on the root of the are , one once, two twice, deep are more , ones are less and easy to avoid; there are black moles in the of , the main thing is to go to the end, and often fall short.

The of the of has a thin black aura to the old age. Pay to fear of right and wrong, acne or . There are in the who need to be for a long time. There are many and in the of , so be It is to self-. If the whole nose is , you and your will be and safe, and your , money, and will be . Women's will be full of green , and they will have and of and . The of wives and is green, and the is . The red is the worst . The is white, the of the wife. The is black and the body is dead.

In order to have a good , you pay to the of the and heart in terms of the body, and avoid moles or dark blues. The nasal is , and it be noted that the spine will also be .

The root of the in the of the eyes, some of which the part of the beam, the , , , to , and to , so it is to be plump and moist. 两者都不好。 If there are moles on the part, it means that the is poor, and it is easy to from , and other . The on the root of the mean that you will stay away from your to seek in other , and you will .

The poem said: The is rich and dry, , the root of the , the must be quite clear, clean and , and the chief is and long-

is in the of the , from to , at 16 years old , 19 years old , 22 years old , and 25 years old . The Lu is also the , which is in of , and fame.

The of the be well , the be firm, and the bones from the into the sky, which is Fuxi . Self- is , to bow to , very hard and for , so it is easy to in , and the is step by step, and there will be no in life, such as and eyes, is , and ears are white On the , the main will be , all over the world, and rich and noble. A woman's is good, and she can be a woman, but it is a pity to be a at home.

The of the is low, and the owner has a heavy sense of . It is to or . If the marks are , the owner's will not be . If there are moles and scars in the , the main is more , easy to , less for , easy to , , if you add red eyes, you will die in .

The of is by , which the luck and the wish has been . It is and shiny, and it is red and , that there will be a happy event for . Red . The white has piety and to life. There are many lines on the and it is blue, that the owner has or or the woman is sad about her .

The of is very to the brain and , so to the of these two parts can make the of and clean.

Also known as the , it is above , in the of the , , Tian, ​​, and . It also be plump and flat, and wide. is in one go, to the top of the and hair №, which is Fuxi . It has a great of and a high . The book "Iron " of the gods is an , mouth is the , and the is the seal. , the is a noble , and they are all in the for a .


The poem says: Fude, , Dige, round, five-star light, , , if are also , food and are , and even more

The is in the of the and above the on the , to see , , luck, shade and .

The is above the two , into left and right, which must be . The in the of the and the nose in the of the face have the of . Such are to for in their . With the of fame and , you can enjoy good . with the , it be and .

The of is like a , and , , and , or home in the early years, very hard, not easy to enjoy , and there will be , to get for ; the of is like a sharp point meat, not only toil, but also often and , , easy to be , , and has no share in and . For , if there is only a sky and the earth is thin, the owner has an , but it is to keep it, and he will work hard in his later years;

For the of the , red and are , that there are to help, the is and , and it can turn bad luck into good . The is dark and , and the is not going well; the red color is with ; the blue color is with worry; the white color is with .

Above the left and right on the , it is , the part of . is into and . Some of them the the on the and the on the chin to the and . The of the chin is wide and full, and the on the left and right of the and the on the left and right of the chin are also full and . This will have all the five in his life, live a long and life, have , and live a happy life. , love , and die in the . We that " and five " are very great.

The poem says: Yin and Yang, the sun and the moon the high hall, and moist, light, , and .

The is the sun and moon of the . The sun on the left the , and the moon on the right the . Look at the and , their and , and see which side is worse, which that the is more .

The of is the sun angle and the moon angle, which be high, and , with bones. It is as tall and tall. The main are , and . The of the sun and moon be well-, which means that the are in good and live a long life; the of the sun and the moon be full and , which that the can enjoy ; happy event.

A means that the has not care from his since he was a child; a angle of the sun and moon means that the was poor in , the of the was poor or the were lost at a young age, and the the was weak. The is and the are messy, the Lord has long been by his .

If the sun angle is low, the or a with a , and if the moon angle is low, the or the is from the . It is more to match the duck .

The color of the of the sun and the moon is red, , and moist, that the are alive and happy. If there is , it means that the of the has , and there may be . The color of the sun and moon turns dark, that the are ill, and may even be life-. Cyan's are . The red has .

The of the sun and the moon on the and the sky must be high, round and clear, that is, . ' was , so he was able to rise to the top at an early age, and some did not the ' , but took the five and three stops as a " " as a .

The poem says: must be up and down, stop three times, be equal, and live . If there is no in one place, likes and in the

books have the as the

The to the , first look at the five sense , the five , and then check the three stops. The upper stop is above the and the , the stop is from the to the tip of the nose, and the lower stop is from the of the to the . If the three stops are , then the Lord will be rich, honor and .

The are , the is , and goes . The five are , and the main is .

The are not , the mind is not , and are . The five are low, and it is to have a great cause.

The upper ears are thin and the is , and there are many lines on the . I have hard in the early years, and my have no help.

The -aged are , the eyes are dull, the nose is and , the are and , and the -aged have hard and have poor .

The mouth is not , the chin is and sinks, and the old age is hard work and .

The upper stop , main , and .

power, power, power, , and .

The lower stop lust, the main love, and .

标签: 星座 十二宫 印堂 命理 田宅宫 星座风水运势

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